Hands Full of BLESSSINGS! 

Sharing Some of My Blessings With You 

In Renee Joiner’s second children’s story, A Princess Problem with Pride, Grace works feverishly to win a charity contest. As a conflict arises over who collected the most money, the book transitions to a parallel princess story to teach a valuable lesson. When we return to real life, Grace remembers the lesson and solves the real world problem.

Illustrated by Connie Eimer.

Order now on Amazon or Barnes and Noble 



Renee Joiner’s debut children’s story, A Princess Problem with Envy, follows real life sisters, Grace and Faith, as they celebrate their baby sister’s birthday. As a conflict arises over a coveted gift, the book transitions to a parallel princess story to teach a valuable lesson. When we return to the birthday party, Faith remembers the lesson and solves the real world problem. Illustrated by Connie Eimer.

A Grackle book.


Order now on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.  

Renee Joiner's books on Goodreads
Daughters of The King: A Princess Problem with Envy Daughters of The King: A Princess Problem with Envy
reviews: 13
ratings: 16 (avg rating 5.00)

Daughters of The King: A Princess Problem with Pride Daughters of The King: A Princess Problem with Pride
reviews: 2
ratings: 4 (avg rating 4.75)