Thoughts on The Little Mermaid

Thoughts on The Little Mermaid

Next up on Christian Parallels in the Movies is The Little Mermaid. Now, I hadn’t seen this movie since I was a kid. My little sister loved this movie, so in good big sister fashion- I did not. I actually promised myself that I would never let my daughters watch this...

Lessons from The Movie Pocahontas

The next movie on the blog for Christian Parallels in the Movies is Pocahontas. As soon as this movie came to my mind, I started singing the song, “Colors of the Wind.” The lyrics came ringing through my head from at least 20 years ago, “You think the only people who...
Christian Parallels in The Land Before Time

Christian Parallels in The Land Before Time

Up next on Christian Parallels in the movies is “The Land Before Time.” I remember watching this movie as a kid and balling my eyes out every time… Well guys, watching the movie as an adult with my six children… I still cried… maybe even harder. Movie Recap The movie...
Pinocchio: Which Character Are You?

Pinocchio: Which Character Are You?

The next movie that was put on my heart for Christian Parallels in the movies is “Pinocchio.”  Now let me start by saying, I had never seen this 1940s Disney classic until this movie was put on my heart. But as I watched it, I quickly saw why God directed...