I’m a Christmas baby. I have always HATED having my birthday on Christmas. I know all my December birthday peeps are already agreeing with me. Shared birthday/Christmas presents and cold weather… but really that part never bothered me. I actually enjoy the “Happy Christmas and Merry Birthday” cards. And combined gifts usually meant better gifts…
Something that used to really bother me, and most people don’t realize- nothing is opened on Christmas Day… except Walgreens and Chinese restaurants… as I have grown older (and want to be at home with my family) this part hasn’t really bothered me… we actually enjoy ordering Chinese take-out on Christmas.
What has really bothered me about my birthday on Christmas is feeling like an afterthought. “Merry Christmas… oh and happy birthday.” Or “Happy Birthday, Jesus… and Renee.” It’s not even Jesus’ real birthday man…
I’m not saying I am/was an afterthought… but that is always felt like an afterthought. I truly appreciate everyone who takes the time out of their Christmas to wish me a happy birthday.
My husband has made a great effort to separate the celebrations. Morning is Christmas. Evening is Mom’s birthday. This afternoon as I was resting… aka taking a shower and actually getting ready for the day… I had this overwhelming thought. I don’t mind it being “Happy birthday Jesus and Renee,” because I must decrease so He can increase.
Maybe my whole issue with my birthday was always about my pride. I wanted people to celebrate me, but nothing is opened, and everyone is celebrating Christmas… I didn’t want to share my birthday with anyone… not even Jesus. But guess what? It’s all about Jesus. It should be.
This little baby left his throne in Heaven to become human. Be born. That’s HUGE! One day, this baby would save, redeem, and restore all who believe in Him. Without Christmas there is no Easter. Without Easter there is no HOPE… Jesus changes everything!
So instead of hating my birthday being on Christmas, I am going to use it as my yearly reminder, “He must increase, and I must decrease (John 3:30).” It’s ok for it to NOT be about me. Because it should all be about HIM!