Maybe it’s because I have a newborn so close to Christmas, but for the last couple of days “Mary, Did You Know” has really been resonating with me.

Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will one day walk on water?
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know
That your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you’ve delivered
Will soon deliver you

She had to have known some of this. I mean an angel did appear to her and tell her what was about to happen. An angel did appear to her husband and stop him from divorcing her. The angel appeared to him again and directed them to Egypt- saving the baby’s life.

Surely, she knew that this baby was special. Elizabeth confirmed it during her visit when John the Baptist leapt in her womb, and Elizabeth prophesized over Mary and her child! Surely, she had an idea that BIG things were going to happen with him. But what was about to happen, I’m sure her human heart could not foresee.


Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will calm a storm with His hand?

But did she know- no way. Even if she were told exactly what would have happened- she was human. Life would get in the way. I’m sure there were days when Baby Jesus was just a baby- crying, pooping, and wanting to be held.  Days she was tired, worn-out, and just going through the motions.

Did you know
That your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
And when you kiss your little baby
You’ve kissed the face of God

I’m sure that Mary’s role as mom was a blessing, but I’m also sure there were days that weren’t glamourous. I’m sure that though she knew what the angel had told her, those thoughts would get pushed to the back of her mind and the day ahead was all that was on her mind.

As He grew into a boy, was it obvious He was the Son of God? Did he get sick? Did he enjoying working with dad in the shop? Did he need reminders to do his chores? Only Mary knows. (Well, probably Joseph, too.)

Mary, did you know?

Did she know what He would do? Probably not. But did she know that there was amazing potential? I’m positive that’s a yes! The first public miracle Jesus performed was at her request. She had faith in her Son though he responded his time had not yet come.

The blind will see
The deaf will hear
And the dead will live again
The lame will leap
The dumb will speak
The praises of the Lamb

As these song lyrics ring through my head, I just look at my baby boy in amazement. I know God has big things in store for him. Will he be a carpenter, office worker, artist, missionary, evangelist, a pastor? I have no idea. Will it be easy, no- but it will be worth it!  Will he need motherly direction- you better believe it.  Am I equipped to give it? No, but with the Lord’s help and guidance I pray he gets it from me.

Did Mary, too, wonder if she was equipped to be the Mother of our Lord? Did she wonder if Jesus would follow in Joseph’s footsteps and become a carpenter? Could she have imagined him becoming a teacher and mentor to so many people?  Could she have ever known the miracles that would happen because of Him? Did she wonder just how exactly would He save His people? When? Where? So many questions, so few answers. But one big thing- Faith! Faith in God. Faith in His word. Faith in His promises.

Mary, did you know
That your baby boy is Lord of all creation?
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will one day rule the nations?

If young Mary had any idea the difficulties that lie ahead- how rejected Jesus would be, the blaspheming, the Cross…  could she have even bared it?

Did you know
That your baby boy is heaven’s perfect Lamb?
This sleeping child you’re holding
Is the Great I Am

I hope she was just full of Hope. Those days that motherhood and wifely duties got the best of her, I hope that she remembered that God had a plan and had invited her to have a front row seat to it. I hope she remember what she prophesized about her Son when she visited Elizabeth. I hope that she always shined a light of faith everywhere she went.

Did Mary know? I doubt it, but she did have faith! She walked by faith not by sight. God, however- God knew, and He chose her. He led the way, prepared the path. She experienced life as a mother, just like you and me. She had highs and lows. Days of joys and days of sorrow. She was able to witness her Son grow into a ministry that she may or may not have chosen for him. She bore witness to miracles. She had her heart pierced just like the prophet had said.

Mary had a front row seat to God’s mighty plan to save His people from themselves. Only one person was there from the beginning to the end of Jesus’ earthly life- that was Mary. I think it’s safe to say now that Mary did not expereince joy in that moment. But if she could look back now and see God’s mighty plan, she would be filled with Joy! If she looked back now, her joy would have out-weighed her sorrow.

Let’s not forget when we look at that Nativity Scene- that same Mary kneeling next to the manger also knelt before the foot of the Cross. Christmas is just the beginning of the most beautiful love story of all time.

Did Mary know? She didn’t have to. She walked by faith from the moment the angel spoke to her. All throughout the stages of Jesus’ life, she, too, walked by faith.

Whether or not you have a newborn, I hope this season of Christmas brings you hope. Hope that there is a God who loves you and cares for you. SO much that He sent His only Son to Earth to die for you. While Mary could have never known what was about to unfold, she definitely had faith in a mighty and powerful God who could do all things- including allowing a virgin to give birth to the Savior.

So for all you mothers out there, be like Mary. Have faith even when things are hard!  We may not see all the moving pieces of God’s plan, but He knows! Let him lead the way. Walk by faith!

While we have not been given the mission of being the Mother of our Savior, we have been given the gift of this Savior. We have been given the opportunity to live with God because God came to us!



“For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

2 Corinthians 5:7