Hands Full of Blessings! 

Sharing Some of My Blessings With You.

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The Spirit is Willing

Recently I got myself into a little bit of drama… I mean I had good intentions, but the execution was just horrible. I was in the wrong and I knew it. The guilt ate me alive. I wanted to just shrink up and hide for a month. Then this urge inside me to fight, defend,...

Let His Light Shine!

This morning as I was opening up my blinds, it was still dark outside. Instead of the light coming inside, my light was going outside. Immediately the Light of the World popped into my head. Jesus said He was the Light of the World. John 8: 12 records, “Again Jesus...

Really? Pray for Her?

I had this colleague a while back that drove me nuts. Seriously. I was in my fourth-year teaching third grade when she joined our small school from a large public school where she had previously taught third grade for 10 years. To make it more interesting, her...


If your peace is disrupted, go spend time with Jesus. “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world (John 16:33).” Jesus said it- We have peace in Him. Jesus also...

What’s in Your Cup?

As most of you know I have six kids that I homeschool. One of the biggest reasons we continue to homeschool is flexibility. Simply put- I do not want to be on other people’s schedules. I enjoy the flexibility in our time. This school year we joined a Community Bible...

Partial Obedience

My current Bible study hit me hard with this truth- Partial obedience is disobedience. If I tell my kid to go clean his room, and he only picks up his dirty clothes- has he been obedient? No, he still has toys all over the place. Why do I treat God that same way?...

My Mini-Me???

Everyday people tell me one of my kids looks just like me. And often we talking about my daughters, they will say she's my mini-me. And don't get me wrong- I love to hear that and see the resemblance. (Though I don't love when their attitudes remind me of a...

The Shepherds

The Christmas Story is found in 2 of the 4 Gospels but requiring both to show our modern-day Nativity Scene representing the first people to witness the Savior of the World. (By the way there is no way that’s what it actually looked like… but not the point of this...

Presents Only IF You’re Good

I'm really struggling with this Christmas idea- be good and get gifts. Be bad and lose your gift. That's not Christian at all. In fact the Bible says, "There is no one righteous, not even one." (Romans 3:10) No one is good. No one deserves the gift. And we all deserve...

The Gingerbread Gospel

Once upon a time a Baker lived in a cottage on a hill. In his kitchen, he enjoyed creating fresh treats filling the house with sweet smells of sugar and spice.  However, the Baker wanted to show his love in a bigger way. He decided to create a cookie which looked...

More on the Blog

Book Update!!!

Coming soon! Book 1- Daughters of The King: A Princess Problem with Envy Release date: February 25, 2020 You can pre-order on Amazon now! https://www.amazon.com/dp/1951620003 Please tell all your friends who have daughters in the age range of 2-8! Also, please leave...

A Dream Come True

This moment… this moment, right here, is something I have been dreaming about for almost three years. But let me tell you a secret… 3 ½ years ago, it wasn’t even on my bucket list. This is 100% a dream God put on my heart, and He gave me the super-human strength to...

Book 2: A Princess Problem with Pride

Book 2 is on the way!!!! But before I tell you anymore. You HAVE to hear how God brought it all together. Book #1 was released… literally right before the United States went on lock down for COVID-19. Bye bye book signings. Goodbye read-alouds. All my thoughts on...

God is Faithful!

I’m getting published!!! I’m so excited to share this news. However, it doesn’t seem right to share this news without sharing how AMAZING our God is! So, let me tell you the whole story! The Call In April of 2017, I felt this stir in my heart to write a book. It...

It’s Launch Day!!!!

Today is the day! Daughters of The King: A Princess Problem with Envy is now available for purchase through Amazon and Barnes and Noble. You can also order through the publisher, Grackle Publishing. Please help me spread the word about this book, the series, but most...

It’s Launch Day!!!!

Today is the day! Daughters of The King: A Princess Problem with Envy is now available for purchase through Amazon and Barnes and Noble. You can also order through the publisher, Grackle Publishing. Please help me spread the word about this book, the series, but most...

God is Faithful!

I’m getting published!!! I’m so excited to share this news. However, it doesn’t seem right to share this news without sharing how AMAZING our God is! So, let me tell you the whole story! The Call In April of 2017, I felt this stir in my heart to write a book. It...


Well, on Good Friday I found myself in need of a shopping trip to Target. It was a for-real need. The baby only had a handful of diapers left. (And Target’s Up and Up diapers are the best value.) So, my six children and I walked into a busy Target. I was able to...

The End of the Thomas Phase

This morning I sat in awe as my boys gave their little sisters all their Thomas the Tank Engine trains saying they do not play with them anymore.  While I watched the interaction occur I felt proud. Proud that they realized they do not need those toys in their...

Always a Princess

Growing up I was (and still am) the biggest Tom-Boy. I can seriously count the number of times I have painted my nails. You will NOT find me wearing a dress or skirt (unless I am at a formal occasion that calls for it.) And heels? - You can just forget about that~...

Love Song from China

Every morning at 5 am, I wake up to teach kids in China online. I love my job! I really do! It honestly amazes me the relationships you can build with kids across the world using a pre-planned 25-minute lesson. That’s not the point of this post, though. Yesterday...


I just recently watched The Incredibles with my children. We love this movie. It never gets old. If you haven’t seen this movie, you should. It is about a family of Supers trying to get along in a world where they have to try to pretend to be something they are not...

Coffee and Jesus

This morning I made my coffee, I smiled at my coffee mug that was given to me this Christmas. “All I need today is a little bit of Coffee & a whole lot of Jesus.” So true. But is it backwards? I mean really. I’m a mom of six. I teach kids in China online starting...

My Story

I had to write my conversion testimony for an Evangelism class at Liberty University, and I thought that there was no reason for it to stay on my computer. So here it is. (I did have to follow a specific format and keep it to 2 pages maximum.) I have not always been a...

Diet and Exercise

Diet and exercise. I’ve started this blog many times, but I have never been able to actually complete it. I realize now, that is because it will never be complete. This is a rollercoaster of a journey. If someone would have told me when I was 17, my biggest struggle...

If Jesus Lived Inside My Heart

Title: If Jesus Lived Inside My Heart Author: Jill Roman Lord Illustrator: Amy Wummer Publisher: Worthy Kids Summary: A new size for this sweet and brightly colored board book that explores the presence of Jesus in our lives. If Jesus lived inside our hearts, would it...

Like Arrows

When I started the review section of my blog, I never really intended on doing anything outside of Christian children’s book… but last night I watched a movie on Amazon Prime that I think would benefit parents (young and old alike) to watch- Like Arrows. Movie Title:...

A New Section: Book Reviews

“You don’t know what you don’t know…” In the Spring of 2017, I felt called to write... specifically, a Christian children’s book series. As I was seeking to fill out my submission forms to various agents and publishers, I found the section: competitive titles....

Children Arise Review

Book: Children Arise Author: Jenny Johnson Illustrator: Jessie Blasdel Summary: Children Arise is a book empowering children to become all God created them to be by teaching them how to partner with Holy Spirit! Children Arise is a sweet storybook that teaches little...

Three Gifts for Abigail Review

Title: Three Gifts for Abigail Author: Allison Romero Illustrator: Gloria Elliott Summary: Excited to spend a special day with family, Abigail hurries downstairs where she finds a surprise waiting for her on the living room table. As she uncovers each of the three...

Jesus Loves the Little Children Book Review

Title: Jesus Loves the Little Children; A Chosen Story Author: Dallas and Amanda Jenkins Illustrator: Kristen Hendricks Summary: Abigail talks a lot. A LOT. So when she meets Jesus for the first time, she talks about him to every kid she can find. Together the...

The Princess Parables Book Review

Title: Princess Grace and the Little Lost Kitten (The Princess Parables) Authors: Jeanna Young, Jacqueline Kinney Johnson Illustrator: Omar Aranda Summary: In Princess Grace and the Little Lost Kitten, Princess Grace promises her father she will care for the...

Jesus Storybook Bible

Title: Jesus Story Book Bible Author: Sally Lloyd-Jones Illustrator: Jago Summary: For over a decade, The Jesus Storybook Bible has been introducing children to God’s wonderful story, and the Savior at the center of that story. Trusted and treasured for over a decade,...

Good Good Father Book Review

Title: Good Good Father Authors: Chris Tomlin and Pat Barrett Illustrator: Lorna Hussey Publisher: Tommy Nelson Summary: Grammy Award-winning music artist, Chris Tomlin, and Pat Barrett (Housefires) team up to tell the story of a little bear named Tucker whose life is...

Veggie Tales Comic Book Reviews

Book: Veggie Tales Super Comic Volume 3 (contains the stories of Rack, Shack, and Benny, MacLarry and the Stinky Cheese Battle, and Larry Boy and the Rude Beet.) Author: Rack, Shack, and Benny is adapted from the movie created by Big Idea, adapted by Aaron Linn....

Christian Parallels Post

Humpty Dumpty

Up next on Christian Parallels in Nursery Rhymes is Humpty Dumpty. Now before we begin, let’s all say the nursery rhyme together… Ok, maybe not… that’s the teacher in me coming out… But here is the rhyme for those of you who were on board and still reading. Humpty...

The Hope in Cinderella

Up next on the blog is Cinderella! Now, Cinderella is a classic written on the hearts of every young girl. The chances are most ladies have probably seen this movie in at least three different versions. But it never gets old. For the purposes of this blog, my kids and...

Pinocchio: Which Character Are You?

The next movie that was put on my heart for Christian Parallels in the movies is "Pinocchio."  Now let me start by saying, I had never seen this 1940s Disney classic until this movie was put on my heart. But as I watched it, I quickly saw why God directed me to this...

Christian Parallels in a Non-Christian Movie? (Mulan)

Can you find Christian Parallels in Non-Christian movies? Not just a non-Christian movie, but one that is set in a non-Christian community? I want to take a minute to connect the dots on my thoughts pertaining to the Christian Parallel posts. Originally the idea came...

Signing Away Your Freedom

This image right here... Ariel is signing away her freedom for a chance at romantic love. She was the daughter of the King.  The King had the power to grant her request. Yet, she made a deal with Sea Witch.  In Ariel’s defense, she was hurt. She had this...

Underdog Movies and the Gospel

I had this really cool idea to show how a classic underdog/Cinderella story actually shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I was all excited to start. So I went to the first Gospel, Matthew. (Warning the idea didn't quite work out.) Cue the opening scene… Genealogy… you...

King Triton

Ever notice how King Triton slightly resembles Jesus. No, no, not the controlling father who won't let his daughter go to the surface. (Though as a parent I see he had good reason to make that rule.) How about the father who takes His daughter's punishment that she...

Jingle All The Way

Next up on Christian Parallels in the Movies is “Jingle All the Way!” Every 90s child knows this movie. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a workaholic dad who forgets to get his son, Jamie, a Turbo-Man doll. Let’s be honest, watching this movie as an adult was very different...

Christian Parallels in Disney’s Descendants

So, with being stuck at home during COVID, my kids and I have had plenty of time to enjoy Disney Plus. Recently we watched The Descendants movies. As we were watching the last one, my oldest looked at me and said, “Mom, this would make a good blog.” Really? How so?...

What if…

Warning: This post does have spoilers for the Disney+ series What If. As I started watching the Disney+ series What If… I had very mixed feelings. The stories I knew but were slightly altered were just alright. It seemed like a reach of a television show. Then episode...

Run to Him

Everybody loves fireworks… unless you have a baby or a dog… Then the beautiful lit up sky full of colors, wonder, and awe does not even come close to annoyance one gets from the loud sounds making the baby or dogs unhappy. Well, this year my baby was 20 months. Due to...

A Poison Ivy Wreath

This week we have seen the beautiful colors of fall in St. Louis! As my kids were playing outside, they kept showing me the colorful leaves that they would find. So, I decided we should make an autumn wreath for our front door. Oh, they had a blast finding all the...

Out of Focus

My new camera takes amazing photos. When I see natural beauty, I can’t help but to pull out the camera and take a photo. However, I am used to just using my phone. Pull it out and shoot. The pictures are usually pretty good, but in compassion to the ones I can...

Potty Training

The decade of diapers is almost behind me… My oldest is 10 and my last child is now 2.  He also seems to think he is ready to potty train. This morning I stood by him and said good job as he peed all over the floor. My oldest smiled at me and said, “I’ll go get...

Trust Me

Me to my first grader, “Always start in the ones place when adding big numbers. I know it doesn’t matter now, but it will.” Two minutes later, “Start in the ones place.” Thirty seconds later, “Trust me, start in the ones place.” Interjection, “Yes, I still have to do...

Cleaning Out the Closet

So, I’m not exactly a perfectionist. I’m the kind of girl who will purposely hang something up crooked so that I don’t have to worry about it looking level. My husband…Not that way at all. He’s the type of person who will bring out the level and pencils while...

It’s More Than Dishes

Recently our dishwasher decided to stop draining water properly. As a result, I needed to start hand-washing all our dishes. I do not love dishes. When I realized this, I may have given a little huff and reluctantly agreed to hand wash the dishes until the dishwasher...

Tearing Down the Awning

One of my favorite hobbies is crocheting. I enjoy crocheting for many reasons. First, it’s a creative outlet. I have no idea how to read a pattern, but I love finding ideas on Pinterest and seeing if I can recreate it. Second, it helps me feel productive. As a mom of...

Check the Box

It’s time for Summer Reading Club at the library!!! YES!!! My kids love reading! As I have written before, it’s not unusual to find my children in their rooms reading books for fun. It’s like the favorite past-time around my house. If they’re not reading story books,...

Letting Go of That “Dirty Shirt”

Recently my son got a new shirt. He wears it as much as we will allow him to wear it. Yesterday morning he woke up with it on and tried to wear it for a second day in a row. My husband told him to go change it. The look on his face said, “But I really want to wear...

Book 2: A Princess Problem with Pride

Book 2 is on the way!!!! But before I tell you anymore. You HAVE to hear how God brought it all together. Book #1 was released… literally right before the United States went on lock down for COVID-19. Bye bye book signings. Goodbye read-alouds. All my thoughts on...

A Lesson from Hagar

My Bible reading today aligned so perfectly today with the state of my heart over that I HAD to SHARE! Join me in Genesis 16. Background: God told Abram (his name has not bee changed yet) that he will be the Father of a great nation. Interesting enough in this same...

Something BIG

Something BIG: The Advancement of the Gospel (Philippians 1:12-18) Written for HOMI 500 at Liberty University. Modified for this blog Something BIG Has anyone ever been part of something BIG? When I was in high school, I played basketball. Yes, I know what you’re...

Temporary Bubbles

Bubbles! This morning I sat outside watching all five of my children happily play with bubbles. Smiles. Laughter. Blowing bubbles at each other. Running around in circles. Comparing the sizes of bubbles.  Popping. Blowing. Repeat. So much fun! For about 15...

Do They Look Like Me?

Recently my sister sent me some pictures of her little guy. I responded asking how one little boy could look exactly like her and her husband at the same time. She didn’t see it, so I did the only thing a big sister would do- prove her wrong… by sending her pictures...

It Takes Some Practice

This morning I was working with my first grader on his math assignment. I looked at the problem and said, “What’s six plus six?” Within a matter of seconds, he spewed out, “Twelve.” I read the next problem, and just as quickly he answered it. Suddenly his eyes...


My husband picked up a pretty cool hobby while I was pregnant with one of our more recent babies. Tree climbing… but not like when we were kids jumping from branch to branch... more like climbing a rope to the top of a tree. As he was doing all the research and...

Whoever Controls the Narrative…

As I sit here reflecting on the current state of my country, I’m at a loss. My biggest issue is that I do not know what to believe. For months, I have bought into the Pro-Trump propaganda that the election was rigged. Not really because of what Trump stated or because...

Distracted From the Beauty

My family and I recently went on a road trip for vacation. Our plans concerning vacation changed at least three times. So finally, my husband and I decided to just head to our “Bucket-list” spots. Near the top of that list was Niagara Falls. We started heading north...

14 Months Apart

This morning I had to finished up some baking before church. So, after breakfast I just sent my kids upstairs to get ready by themselves. As I went upstairs to check on them, my seven-year-old was dressed so fashionably cute that she looked like a teenage. My...